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My confidence in the BC Conservative Party to limit and reduce Government, get it out of the way of Capitalism is greater than any other. However this is if the party is lead well among the Candidates and the Board. Meaning the best Presidential possible and Leader of the Candidates possible, even more so MLAs who can rely on their own leadership. It is my confidence in the membership, if I proven wrong, it will be a dark day a Dix will have such a majority the opposition might be one Green. Yeah. I have no confidence, never did and was always right, in the BC Liberals to prove to be a decent opposition or Government. Never a Tory (National Con) or BC Liberal.

Reform BC (Launched and Ran a Van-Bur Candidate in 1996).
Reform Canada
Libertarian of Candada

For a Laugh…

I have voted for Fogal (CAP) in 1997.
Wrote on the ballot a lot. Some Work Less because they were the least of all evils.
Odd National Conservative Candidate, as the Candidate in Van-East, not Party.
Supported Pat Buchanan Presidential Campaigns, Michael Badnerick, R Lee Wrights and have been with the US Bost Tea Party (bostontea.us) that a principle of narrowing the scope of Government and not increasing it.

I am a Comedian, and joked often about the biggest bully and the irony she wears a pinks shirt………I am a Minarchist, not a slave a school, conscientious and reader of Voltaire, Locke, Mill, et al….

Sure I can write up better, or more, so stay tuned. May be there on Friday. So be there ready with questions.

Categories bcc, elections

Your Two Cents


Hey, I am going to seek the BCC nomination, of course if you contact me and sign my papers no matter what they do I will be duty bound to do all I can to file the papers, especially if one of you is a CGA or CA who will be my Auditor. They have me pick an auditor and expect no bias in my favor. Frankly the paper work is a sacrifice. So if you can vote in the West End the least you can do is sign a Candidate paper for choice, a choice you can trust wants less taxes and Government. I do also support easier nomination and ballot access for individuals and am an anti-monarchist. I am s minarchist, classic liberal, libertarian. Not an anarchist, and not someone doing this just to get a gig writing for Von Mises or some think tank.
I am a 5 time Mayoral Candidate (I). Live in Vancouver-Hastings, but I will move when elected. The incumbent may be like-able, to some, but it should be about what he wants to take from you, basically what the liberals do. Way too much money.

Hold on to your wallets, and show your support for freedom. Need more of a Herbert Spencer, not a Spencer Herbert.

Most of my Vancouver life was in the West End, just need to afford a place with a dog, I love dogs. To live without is a horror and also makes the apartment an easier mark for thieves.

I oppose Pitbull Bans. More to come.

Categories vancouver, buday4westend

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