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When Psychiatrists Control Us, Pod People Rule.


Yeah, it may be puzzling to people who have never seen a movie older than I am, but the original Body Snatchers Movie, and best (With Kevin McCarthy), made such an underline point.
Sure someone may seem stressed out of their mind and crazed. But when enough insane things happen, to explain it may make you sound insane. It doesn’t excuse automatically investigating a persons sanity.
Granted PTSD could occur, but usually it’s “Bipolar,” “Schitzophrenia” and what ever pill provided by the company who provided the “Doctor” a nice sunny Vacation will (miss)treat.
Frankly Big Pharma is more effectively dangerous than the fictitious pod people. But the effect of their chemicals are the same.
So lets here someone out when they yell, “But I’m not insane!” Because they might not be, they just might have ran into to much megalomania like Jim K Awkei.

Categories MindFreedom, Mad Pride

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