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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

A Stance is Better: No Promises.


When politicians make huge grand promises they are lying, in fact to claim in a small promise that you know the future is to lie. The best promise is mine, I have no magic wand, I will not know how bad the guy really is doing things till I take over, I promise is to not promise I will do anything. You have 4 years, the worst things are, the harder it can to even control the damage. Funds are no doubt very low, in the sense of Government affordability. It’s best to have your own wish list for voters to compare, and belief system out there.
You should want to do things, but to claim to know the funds and obstructions that could hold from following up promises can be dangerous.
The strongest thing for a Mayor is the bully pulpit, where you can rag off on city council, the Province and Feds even country level (Metro Vancouver) to see if things can be made better, more tools, different responsibilities, like how I think the Province should surrender their “sin class” substance regulations to the municipal level (such as booze or cigs or other sort of legal substances).
Can demand WARD councils, can fight the conflict between having a police board and making it impossible to do your job to have laws enforced if they try to obstruct you with their useless quango.
You mediate meetings, you can tie break a vote if it goes to it. You can investigate spending, regulations and other nonsense Government wastes time with. I will demand my pay be cut in half and that car allowances are turned into compass cards.
When it goes down to it, you could be the best Government whistle blower on this level.
To me this is a massive sacrifice, frankly it isn’t going to be fun, I am actually afraid of notoriety. Not speaking, I like a point of view being seen, just me, no. I don’t think politicians should be putting out their CV and all that nonsense out there (politician, any candidate for public office, weather career or not), because it doesn’t matter no matter what their career or “charity” (which I think doesn’t come with boasting) or community activity can not be an indication on how you believe or how much you know. Nor does it tell anyone what you will do or not. It’s distraction.
My entity as a Candidate is a Classic Liberal who is against censorship, CCTV Cameras, heavy handed police activity, forced medical (like mental) treatment. I think police vice departments need to be defunded so departments that deal with murders and rapes and forms of theft and fraud have more resources. It’s still enforcing the law, but focusing resources at the worst things. I want an affordable Government, one that pollutes less because it’s too big and takes less money from individuals to support cultural events. I am a snob, but I won’t take money from a hip hop fan so Mozart can have a few more concerts, I think it’s censorship if you can’t fund all speech equally as a state, so non one can be funded, because no one can afford to pay everyone for their speech and expression.
I believe that subjective illnesses of mental and addiction should not budge in front of the line of the people with objective physical illness or others in the debate for housing.
I don’t think we need to hold on hard to land valuing as prices go up, and we don’t need to zone for condos, or over a Theatre. Could zone with a morals clause of sorts, could demand crown land also be opened up and public Golf Courses be sold for development with such a clause, such as rentals and below market at a certain %. Such a % might be fitting as deduction from taxes. All Government levels agreeing one cold hope.
I’d like to tell the Chinese Government to take their Social Credit High Ranking Members back and their consulate with them from the pulpit. Lets leave Trudeau to suck up to those commies alone.
I am smell rats and tell people what I think, although am told I am still rather pleasant person to person.
I don’t want to have an APEC like situations again, and believe you me if some alt-righters and identarians show up to speak somewhere someone will want to start shit, and police have a dangerous history of over doing things. We need zero tolerance for censorship in our city, we need a city of fun and freedom.
We need a city that after wasting money on a convention center wondering where to put the homeless maybe think of that convention centre as a privately owned cheep rental building. “Given with conditions.”
Yes some promise to literally do it, is dangerous, absolute, and don’t let them fool you, they will disappoint. Frankly I can’t disappoint, I am nothing now, generally like being nothing, and I promise nothing.
I want to do something good for my city, I have to live here too.

Categories Principles, Promises

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