Natural Gas
- This is a decision that needs reverting, no way the Natural Gas ban should be allowed, very few people are desiring to see people homeless or expensive rents, but many will show difference on issues like these.
- Censorship, with cities arresting people over social media jokes and comments, eventually it will effect people in this city, and it should not, we need a pro-freespeech Mayor, to keep the police from ever being used like they are going to in London.
- CCTV, violations of privacy are outrageous and we don’t need a trustless society that has to watch and card everyone, everywhere. Nor do we need people getting randomly checked for booze no where near the beach before a fire work display.
- Election Bylaw of 2008 (1999 added fee as well): If you live in the jurisdiction, you are running in, the Government should let you just file without petition and no more than a 10 dollar paper fee (materials for package) and change the Election Bylaw, to the Carpet Bagger ByLaw, to apply to those living outside the boundary running in, and make parties prove their numbers before endorsing as well.
Other Issues Falling Through The Cracks.
Author Gölök Zoltán Buday
Categories Police, Natural Gas