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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Social Justice Twits are as bad as Moral Majority...


If you want an uptight set of anal weirdos who want to tell you what to say, think, and produce in the real of art and entertainment. Their hostilities may show a different trends, but their methods and mentalities are damn different.
There is nothing wrong with being a man, there is nothing with being what suits you. But this obsession with abusing School kids with everything from anti-psychotics to political PC nonsense just orders them to become what some extremist thinks they should develop to be.
Trans? Trans kids? Kids with sexualities? This sounds like Paedophile fantasy, not protection from phobias. Frankly school teaches only one thing, publicly, it’s your thick skin.
Usually it’s the popular girl or gal grown up wearing the pink shirt after they called me a faggot in School. I am the one with a thick skin.
I know how it feels, it’s tough to suck it up, develop a sense of humor, but it’s worth doing. After all when you see the reality of what Government does to everyone, that’s easy.
For instance if your in a state school and you win defending yourself against aggression, you get kicked out, that is the worst thing. They even try a variation of that on you when you grow up.
Lousy “participation award,” is another one, I won a legit race and me and all the others got the same reward, that is fucking worse. Sadly the anti-merit crowd try to control the world post-school too.
It’s horrifying.
So there is a problem with not shaming for a someone being a man, or a lady a lady?
Really the whole problem is Government run schools, rather than voucher Education, where parents choose who gets the money for paying their kids, free market decision on what values or neutrality or what ever they need for their kids being selected by the parent(s).
Social Justice Twits, should realize one day the table will turn, they will entice a new Moral Majority to be and they will be a match and I won’t like it, but well they won’t like either.
Unless they swing with trends, they they are it.
The only democracy that works for Schools, is parental choice. You want to have your kid trained to be a specified gender role or be lesser girly man (bottom) then send them to some new age crap. It would be your choice. But do realize, they aren’t fully matured yet. If your think they can change genders then you think they can have sex. If you think about them having sex, what are you?

Categories Social Justice, Freespeech

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