I do notice a racialist effect on myself, and easier because I am so mixed people will just use some obvious factors as cover. Magyars blend in to a surrounding culture rather well especially with a regionally acceptable mate.
Even to some extent old anti-Catholocism can play a part. Even know I am anti-Jesuit and even if I did take Papal orders, it wouldn’t be from this guy. But at least Kennedy (by birthday shared notable) was at least openly asked.
My people, didn’t come from the Caucus ancestry, and I had a Han Chinese Skin Disease I was as surprised as my Chinese dermatologist. Since I figured we reached back to Sumer, but it still likely.
Our sort moved about a bit.
I am no insider, in fact not old money WASP. I wouldn’t be allowed inside even if I got my family title back (Count, Pre-1956, father lost it at 2).
My father is always insisted “we are white,” his only real fear is being caught in a race war and whites winning and knowing he doesn’t stem directly by a Y gene to the “whites” or Caucus people or WASPS.
Although he never hides that he’s a Papist. I guess he figures there are enough strikes against him.
Easy for him, he at least has blonde hair.
I am strangely named, even for Magyars, and swarthier. Dark eyes and hair.
I was sitting with 4 people at the petition period, and Jamie Lee Hamilton let it out, that she figured my name for Indian (East).
I mean fuck, if this is a common view. I find it hard to doubt the card is playable. But as a libertarian, I hate to cast blame like this. Another weakness, they can use racism against me, knowing my dilemma.
Carry Welder once referred to her features as being thought as “Jewish,” I instantly wondered if I was thought of this because of that too. Granted Abraham was from Sumer(aria).
But that may be a little more comical than the issue as a whole, I can’t deny racism falls in place for the real reason I am dismissed. A racism easier to get away with.
In a very WASP city, Victoria and Vancouver might be the most WASP like cities with stuffy old money control, especially in the press. When I see myself in the Glacier debate, I realize that even Chen and Sim play it more in a way that some would call “Banana,” to satisfy Anglo Saxon Old Money extremes. Plus concessions must be made to maintain a party base.
They have the inside line, under the “Hey Boy” scenario, all do respect to Paladin (fiction used in point) who treated the guy right for the times, now he’d be a dick..
So yes, racism and keeping out outsiders for Western European Old Money, is live and well in the Big Cities of Vancouver. I can’t deny it. I felt it.
I Hate To Use The Card: WASPs Control The Election
Author Gölök Zoltán Buday
Categories Corruption, Racism