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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Property Use and Guidelines: Vancouver's Retardation...


Yes it’s retarded, the whole city is retarded, in this I mean the literal meaning.
Land Use and Development are pretty oppressive and doesn’t hold respect for the schooling and requirements architects, building artists, go through to know the best ways to build a solid good looking structure, or even renovate one.
Land Use and Maintenance just building single rooms have huge conversion and demolition fees, in fact in 2015 they shot up the price big time. We are talking per room, not project either.
As for Maintenance, if you lived in places I had to, you know no one took a serious shot at enforcing basic rules, and this has lead to apartments that might as well be labeled bio hazards. Not that maybe we have something to enforce when complaints are made, through due process, but there is little use, with little ability for a city to set any meaningful criminal code for a due process against alleged slum lords.
Hell with those per-room fees. You couldn’t just renovate them nice either way without being charged up the ass. At certain level renovation is the only thing other than total gentrification.
The huge Zoning and Development paper is just riddled with aggressive attitudes about how you handle your property making up a need for red tape and several damn classifications, more than one should reasonably have to know. This is how planning departments make excuses for endless consultants. A huge costly bully tactic. It’s where you largely discover if your suites are illegal for some reason. Or business, if anyone remembers Drew Carey and Buzz Beer, for example. A little of TV Cleveland in Vancouver.
It’s also the most frequently changed bylaws. If ignorance was an excuse, it would be Government’s fault for over regulating us. How would you know your breaking the law anymore? It’s like we all need lawyers on a 24/7 Payroll. Perhaps it’s the deal, when we Elect so many lawyers over time.
License Bylaw is riddled with oppressive nonsense requiring licenses for everything even if your not Wielding a cutting tool, those Licenses are from a private organizations usually. Such as the AMA. Not sure why the Degrees aren’t Licenses for that some time, repeal their degree if things go wrong.
Things from Auctions and Arcades, to Backyard Parking and Banker and Bank Machine. Lets also be clear, “a permit to do business” is not a License to do a specific job or Educational Qualification that you may check a wall for or do an internet search for, if it’s important.
None of this requires proof of violating anyone with any job before hand, it’s pre-emptive punishment for something no one did yet. Did anyone hurt you by renting their garage to someone? For any reason?
Technically most Candidates were unlicensed Canvassers collecting signatures for the Election Bylaw.
This also goes on for ever, just definitions alone. It’s bloody crazy.
Every little thing we do in our god damn lives practically needs a special license. If people cause harm, it should be up to the Government(s) to prove and punish after. There is no Crystal Ball. Just Arbitrary State Aggression.
There is a whole separate thing for Pawn Shops, and a EB Games/Gamestop in Vancouver is Governed like one, even know it sells mostly new goods. Either way, prove someone sold stolen material, why assume a person trying to benefit from spring cleaning is a thief? When so few people generally are.
It is almost safer to be a hoarder, in that sense.
This is just small example of huge blocks to wages, business, and decent charitable activity. Haven’t even gotten near the other levels, and they are no friendly bunch either. There is a huge need for Sunset Clauses, it at least limits all laws, bylaws by time, requiring renewal.
We need a revolutionary Election in 2018.

Categories Homelessness, Housing

Your Two Cents

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