Being a business each rent payment can be deemed a sale, and each rent payment would then send 2% of each rent on Agreement, rather than arguable theft. This means no one is taking people are just honoring a business contract with the City. They benefit from the market, and kick back to the City a small commission. City being responsible to fix roads, and provide other services. Even this could be based on a choice division, on where the money goes by the contracted partner.
All property tax could be waved on these properties being rented out. Businesses can benefit, and also shoot up revenues this way as well. Since there is no property tax to pump into their rent. No tax at all to pump into their rent. Such a benefit of no property tax payments and simplicity of the permit system can make it much more happy for people to produce businesses and rental housing. Both short and long. High and low cost.
No suites, rooms, end up illegal either. This revenue could make debt payments also much more effective, if it is as successful as I can expect it to be. No restraints by the presumptive Property Use/Maintenance Bylaws and less red tape and ink for the Rental Property owner.
Open Permit: Potential Tax Replacement.
Author Gölök Zoltán Buday
Categories Free Enterprize, Taxes