I am a Vatical or Roman Catholic. So I can’t pretend I didn’t come by this and I don’t often think about social issues, I forget now and then, and I got a call from a Catholic, so I should post how I think on all this here.
I am Pro-Life, I differ with many even Libertarians for Life who state life begins at fertilization, a rare error for them. The Science says gender may get decided there (WebMD, for a source) but cell replication doesn’t happen til it hits the uterine wall. When it’s a Zygote. I personally think abortion will die out if Plan B, over the counter morning after pills are available. It prevents a Zygote from happening.
Provinces should be able to decide criminality of pre-infantacide.
There is no quickening to be had.
I oppose the Death Penalty, Aggressive Offensive War, and Arms Sales to war mongering countries by our Government.
I oppose this sexualising of Children with SOGI, and wimping up everything, I was teased in school, I learned a smart ass and sucked it up. I grew a thick skin. So don’t put deaths on school nonsense, usually there is a disconnect with family and home life problems.
This Trans Kid crap is crazy. I support people being able to change their cosmetic gender as adults, as choice.
I find Gay Marriage’s issue having the biggest problem as being a Government issue. Why are Government officials Marrying anyone? Why is Government validating Marriages? File the name changes.
Since Zarathustra it’s been a religious thing between men and women. The rest can be done in contract. Me, I wouldn’t marry what, under normal circumstances of nature, I couldn’t get pregnant. Just personal.
I am Bi, but be serious. I see Gay and Lesbians persons, since there numbers grow in larger denser populations, as something God planned as a civil non-war like withering of an over populated society.
I don’t believe in devaluing it from any purpose at all. But damn, your lucky, you can’t get pregnancy entrapped. Well not without drugging. But rape is another thing.
I think Trudeau on euthanasia is a troubling thing. Usually when I hear stories about assissted suicide, people who “assist” say “I can’t stand to see them…..” the moment that I pops up. The whole “it’s about me” thing puts me at pause, despite being a libertarian I can’t support that. Especially given the social program fact, the uncompetitive health business, and the rate of religious Hospitals that would be forced to do it.
If people buy guns and blow their brains out, you can’t protect people from themselves, but other people pull the trigger, that isn’t right, can’t happen again.
I am an animal lover, and despise the concept of people testing make up on animals. Tormenting creatures can be dubious for survival and need, but for vanity is plain sick. No. not Vegan.
I believe in expelling Jesuits, not a whole church, just one of the most molesty orders that did all the Residential School shit and abused natives in so many ways. Silver tongued Theocrats.
People have a right to religion, speech, peaceful assembly, association and conscience. Or should.
I don’t believe in forcing messages on cakes, and forcing churches to Marry people or sending people who disagree with people like Oger (or anyone) to the Human Rights (Wrongs) Commission.