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Hypospadias Awareness: What Is This?


Well it effects young boys, and in cases like mine, due to botched pediatric surgeries in the first years, it makes us a Hypospadias Cripple. No it doesn’t make it smaller, well if I was less lucky I wouldn’t have a pecker, no matter, it doesn’t stop everyone from fertility.
It does not make me intersex or hermaphrodytic.
It does something really nasty, a scar tissue in the Urethra tightens and blocks proper passage of the urine if not dilated either by myself or the Doctor with a sound.
Sounding fetishists have no idea how insulting what they do is.
Transexuals are cold in understanding this, Men’s Rights Activists never bring it up, amazing.
Patriarchal, real patriarchal societies, or society of Bahrain has the best hospital for this alone, so if North America was a patriarchy, I’d be doing fine, as would many others.

Life affirming surgery would be one I could trust would cure my problem for ever, but even my most recent repair, just bought me a little more time before a cyscostopy was needed.
Becomes hard to see a future from that at 41, nearly 42.
I find myself increasingly impatient with people whining about some feminist ragging on men on twitter, like they so need that approval, like it’s the end of the world. Yeah she might be a bitch, but this victim crap “they are making men feel worthless” crap gets laid down way to thick on certain Youtube channels.
It’s really fucking lonely, thank god for my dog. My sense of humor. My code precludes me picking chicks up, or dudes, I see it as submissive, and I am the other. Even if I wasn’t there is a high chance, social shit becomes more awkward due to this.
There is no manual as to how to tell people, hell it could easily lead to oddly ableist metoo complaint.

Categories Urology, Hypospadias

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