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Liberty Lacking In Big Tech: Residential Employment.


Something common in Japan, is common in big tech, and Colleges, which may impart some crazy leftist insanity.
Campus living. Once even showcased on a mainstream media story, where Google showed off it’s campus HQ.
Even with regard to crunch, you will find testers and other people at places like EA, with bedding at their offices,
people have to live with their bosses, why would they disobey them? Even on personal matters.
Almost like cult compounds. In many ways.
My house, my rules, start applying. One change on the labor front, could be, banning, live-in business campus.
Use to be counter indicated to even have mixed classification zoning. You separated Commercial, Industrial, and Residential
at least in some theories.
Hive minds are likely built in these institutions, because they can’t simply not be there.
Course it seems weird they have the COVID excuse for anything that goes wrong, all the same.
Even without the campus situation, how many have homes paid for by their job, or cars, et al? Requiring less pay, of course.
How many people are bought into a Stepford life?

Categories Business, liberty

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