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The Mistakes In "Trans Women Are Women" Debate and Dictation.


Update: I want to add, that many under the presumption that they were boys, who were hermaphrodite (chick with dick) females (XX), had gone through a “transition” to be females, rather than a detransition. An important to realize, many think themselves Trans in this area and have no Adam’s Apple, a huge realization that may be important. Blair would be, in my best guess, in this category.

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On the surface of things, yes certain lady like women are women weather born male or female. I would suggest that as a joke a twink would be called a lady anyway.
Hell my own PM Justin Trudeau gets mocked like this all the time, and I think a lot of these soy suckers want this misgendering issue at the top because they born males who identify as males hate being made fun off for their status as being lesser men, wimps, etc….
It’s really designed so they can complain about misgendering as well. Or only, even at mockery level.
The biggest problem is making the mistake that woman is not a social ideal of the sex Female, which is usually, as Male, on the IDs, you won’t find Man or Woman on IDs usually. I wouldn’t say construct because it is a word usually identified to masculine or feminine natures.
However if one does a good job like Blair White or Chaz Bono showing such gender change, then it’s reasonable to be called a Female Man or Male Female after a transition of superficial features. This does not follow with regard to facial hair sporting “Fluids” or “Non-Binaries” or “It’s Ma’ams.”
If you really do feel some way on the inside, your going to try and show it on the outside. Being a bearded man is just that, being a Transvestite is just that, all fine and dandy, but don’t bullshit. Granted some cultures like Spain have women at a certain age shaving their face a bit. Usually post menopausal. Some older men look like post menopausal women, fine, say that.
Only by being civil can this issue be sorted out. But be clear, yes I was born Female, am a Female but a Man also. Or Yes I was born Male but I am a Woman.
Also understand you never had a first period and be polite to those who had, some of them feel rightly that they earned a little protection over their born female natures they were born with.

Categories Sexuality, LGBT

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