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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

My views on Forced Treatment, Presumption Of Guilt, Presumption Of Crime and Police Brutality


No Forced Medical Treatment! Psychiatric (Car 87/Wellness Checks/Big Pharma Pills), Shots (Vaccines), Conversion “Therapy,” Child Transitions, etc….” No other force not specifically listed is to be construed as supported, in the case new forms show themselves.

In addition no form of police brutality would be tolerated by me. Nor random searches or any form of stop and frisk. Police abuse and mistakes should be taken more seriously. In no way would it ever be considered right to shoot someone in the back.

In the wake of “Defund the Police” calls, the Police Act should not require Mayors to have Car 87/Wellness Check Police, Patrol and Beat Cops, Nor any Vice Police to enforce non-Violent, non-Thieving Crimes. The Car 87, Beat, and Patrol are recognized as entities that exist to presume people will commit crime.
Only Heavy Knock warrants should be allowed.

*Car87/Wellness checks have an additional potential of being used to enforce mask and vaccines as they accuse you of being a “harm to your self and others” for non-compliance.

In case you want to print and share: Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Enforcement, Police

Your Two Cents

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