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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Individual Property Rights Are Renter's Rights...


If someone didn’t own where I lived, would I live here? No. I have seen my landlord get screwed by paperwork “proving it wasn’t empty” and taxed and so on. A perfectly decent human being. Not making the rental easy. A BiPOC if that is also important to you.
Granted some groups and foreign owners also rent out, foreign owners don’t often care, but even that is due to expense. The City “Land Use And Management” Bylaws basically make it cheaper to collapse into condemnation than to renovate.
They also let people get away with taxes if they let ferns live there and not people (Sihotas). All this is more about Government failing people.
When you rent you are temporary an owner of where you live until the deal is off. Right to privacy and personal security (like a dog or gun), right to live your life so long as you don’t harm anyone’s financial or bodily condition through force, fraud, and coercion.
When authoritarian socialists come for your owner’s property, remember they think by patronizing it makes you the owner’s enabler. Property owner adjacent, guilt by association.

Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Property Rights, Housing

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