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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Disability Fine, Regular Welfare Needs Changes...


Starting with the damage control of people, some of which are caused disabilities by the Government by health and policing systems to name a few. PWD can not be dealt with yet as a cut, in fact the $300-per-month pandemic supplement should remain and then all increases and decreases linked to inflation and deflation. In one term it especially seems useless to change this. It should also be handled by the Health Ministry, not Human Resource or what ever it’s name. Oh and Disabled people shouldn’t be made to climb a steep stair case on the West Side of the Grandview Woodlands office, check it out, it’s on Main across the Fire Hall. Half of Disabled people are expected to pull themselves up this at risk of more disabilities.
Now the regular “In between jobs” ideally and one with, I think still 20 year lifers. Here’s the Party part. I sort of agree, but I’d like to see this brought down to the Cities and Towns for Community Centres to means test, or non-Profits. The Party could have added clothing to the required list. The expense account sort of system is a good notion for regular “able bodied” welfare. Don’t like the notion of substance abuse and over eating as a disability.
Disability are congenital afflictions, damage to extremities, incurable viruses, cancers, and autonomic disease like, but not limited to, Ataxia. Also objective mental hold backs. If you have something for this list for me to look into, do send me a civil message.

Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Disabled, Spending

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