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Objectivism vs Libertarian


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Objectivism is more of a layer on philosophies, mostly via that noted concept of anti-altruistic support of “rational” self interest.
The thing is, all can make use of “rational” self interest. If your self interest, as was Stalin’s, is to rule over everyone with a Unilateral Gold Like Arbitrary Law, then your applying an important factor of objectivism, even with Individual Liberty, to Stalin, that’s Individual Liberty.
I ran across socialists trying to get on the ballot as a libertarian, as I say I have a right to vote for my choice, they would respond with things like “yes but I don’t have to help you.” Not unique among Liberal, NDP, and Conservatives (where I live), it was not considered into their self interest to have me on the ballot. Of course engaging their individual free will to further this.
Some people view tax and spending as a benefit to them, such of the rational self interest of “If welfare is gone, what will happen to me?” or “With welfare gone, will they pitch their tents on my land?”
Libertarians agree on the Individual Liberty concept, not always Conservatarians, they can get a bit corporate. Libertarians do not see altruism as the enemy, the concept that people will be altruistic, and this includes honest application of giving with full disclosure of the up side to them. Selfless is not evil, maybe to the point of sending yourself to the poorhouse.
If Libertarians operated on “rational” self interest they wouldn’t put so much of their own money and money making time running for office.

Categories philosophy, liberty

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