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Election System Draft


Petition to the House of Commons
First Past The Post Is Disputed.
Proportional Is Too City Centric.
Vote Splitting and Strategic Voting Is A Problem.

We, the undersigned, Gölök Z Buday, call upon the House of Commons to Make sure pedophiles and rapists, and even pattern serial killers don’t ever get out jail, with burial in jail.
Race Position Ranked Voting System, works like traditional GP Point Systems. A voter ranks them. A top 6, up to 6. 10pts goes to 1st, 8pts to 2nd, 6pts to 3rd, 4pts to 4th, 2 pts to 3rd, and 1pt to 5th and 6th point. Avoiding arbitrary passage of a vote.
Another one is a 100 vote transfer, 100 representing a percentage of support. Voter divides 100 points. Divided among Candidates as a voter chooses. 100 to 1, or split 50, 25, 25, 25. Point like count as well.


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