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Business And Muh Private Company: Censorship, etc...


Are there private companies? Even Libertarians get a bit confused on this matter. In fact forgetting the very important point.
One these collectives, when “going public,” become, not business, however PUBLIC securities, dependent on a Government stock trading departments such as the SEC. Some get subsidies, some get endowments, some get bailouts and a myriad of corporate welfare.
Even sole owned business can be a victim of conflation with the state by our tax laws. All business, since people don’t pay tax it’s taken, are tax collectors.
Income or sales taxes are taken from people employees and customers and given to the state. This is tax collecting. Whether the business’ like it or not. I do wonder what would happen if business decided to, en masse, refuse to take taxes for the Government.
This is largely in concern of censorship, however if they lift the mask requirements and all that and a business say, “well they said we, as a private business, can enforce the rules.” Well no, not as tax collectors or stock exchange securities.
The internet is another thing, like the SEC, they are what a lot of these business’ sit on for self benefit and it’s all based on US Legislation which is also dominated by laws of the land like the First Amendment. How do you benefit from the SEC or the Department of Defense’s best and most innovative project, The Internet, and say your “private company” status gives you the right to violate the First Amendment? The one lucky thing about a Government legislated program or institution is when it’s at least Government by Constitutional laws protecting negative rights. Libertarians should understand that. I at least do.
It would be nice to see a true free market where at least the SEC dependence and Tax Collecting by business is over, however until them “Muh Private Company,” does not exist.

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