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Walter Block's Shirt


Walter Block, a Libertarian Economist, designs a notion of “If your wearing my shirt, I have a right to take it back.” Stating it as not Stealing, claiming the other stole it.
This is the whole problem with Economists, the other considerations are ignored.
Due Process, Presumption of Innocence.
You need a second witness they stole the shirt, or that it is even your shirt. If you call someone a thief, it doesn’t make them a thief.
There are valuable rights to consider, not merely property by claiming “It’s your property,” it’s easier with land, there are no deeds with shirts.
No individual has to admit nor be presumed guilty of stealing.
Economists aren’t philosophers, they still look at things through a specific financial glass. In the heart of things one can’t afford loosing a sense of philosophy as a whole, a big picture, an out of box philosophy with regard to liberty.

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