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Update (Oct, 20, 2021): I am a bit under the weather…sore throat and stuffed nose, little cough. Likely a regular cold, but I don’t want to pass it on. I still recommend protesting the Mayor as planned, it’s not about me, it’s about Liberty, hopefully I will make the CBC event.

So who’s with me in 3 Days (Wed the 20th)? Who’s willing to bring signs and protest the Vancouver Mayor?

Protest Kennedy Stewart at his Forward Vancouver Pub Night

Time: 6:30-830 PM

Location: Steamworks
375 Water St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1B8, Canada

You can VIP with me buday4vancouver @ goliberty.org (I am running for Mayor, but I’d like to be about the people not personalities).
We can possibly stand around the parking lot or on the side walk
I seem to be the only one willing to further this and I am not an organizer.

Signs like “No Mandates” “No Surveillance” “Private Sector Is Essential” “All Customers Are Essential” are good ideas to run with. Love the funny ones like “Bullshit Variant.”

Categories Free Enterprize, Surveillance State

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