People blame the Social Media (even Facebook and Twitter) for making people lose their minds.
Forget that, if you have a “smart” phone than this is where you’ll find people going nuts.
People will have Social Media and Games alerting them to “you can play not” and endless responses to posts, pressuring you to get back into things, and with Facebook and Twitter, you can make an instant response. Without thinking.
So yeah, you’ll be meaner about things, especially with other day to day bullshit piling on you.
Now if your waiting to check a choice app on your break, lunch, or after work. There may be tension, but not the same pressure.
If on a laptop or tower computer, at home, less auto-correct and difficulty typing the wrong words.
Another thing can be ignoring feeds, and checking specific accounts, even bookmark them. Not just agreeable. If something is likely to be on a shadow ban list especially.
Imagine though, the nuisance of being alerted on every DM or Post out there tagged in or responding to you.
Endless rings and vibes. I only get Signal and Gmail popping up on me. Gmail is getting annoying with sponsored e-mails, so I am reconsidering that.
*If this is helpful or Huffinglue Post or my stand up, skits, podcast is entertaining or helpful to you ever, please donate (unrelated to Election runs) or share (got a 3 year 250 USD hosting bill to pay every year and many domains).