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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

FREE DR MEL BRUCHET! - Repost: mfvanbc


Originally Posted Here
Despite what Alex said, this is not the next level.
This was the last level, also most forceful way Big Pharma can use Government to force their stuff in your body.
“Harm to yourself and others,” without proof beyond reasonable doubt that you did harm to another or and some mystic ability to know you might this “minority report” system drags people from their home and lives and into what mirrors something similar to a secret court.
It’s evil and I have fought it a long time.
It’s why I joined MindFreedom, I know this intimately, it is even an aide to abusive cops who want to discredit future complaints against them. A sort of alibi.
What did people like Alex think those notorious Wellness Checks were?
Hell if I had all these freedom fighter people with me in 2002 or 2008, I might have been Mayor and maybe the current problems with forced treatment may have been eliminated. Instead I have the PPC in an Election saying “We are the only ones,” while I ran for Parliament. Something that encourages me to think the PPC is a grifter operation.
I do kind of want to know where all this concern for such liberties were way back then? I am sure Dr Mel Bruchet even knew about these things.
Regardless of how late some are to this, however, I do welcome their voices against it. Just be honest. Don’t grift.

Self Own Better!

Categories MindFreedom, liberty

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