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2005 Election Cautionary Note: Is It Still Happening?


Letter I received after the 2005 Municipal Election.

Dear Mr. Buday

When I went to vote yesterday, at Voting Station 14, I was told that I was not allowed to vote because I do not have my driver’s licence. I researched this prior to attending the vote. The website stated that I needed to bring 2 pieces of ID with me. Any two pieces. And that is what I brought with me.

I came home, and I immediately called the elections office, and told that I was erroniously given this information, and that after submitting a Declaration of Residancy, I could in fact vote. So I went back, and spoke with the elections officer at this station, and filled one out.

After filling out the declaration, and while registering myself, I noticed a man trying to register, who was turned away. His gentleman had 2 pieces of ID – his birth certificate and SIN card, as well as the stub from his last welfare cheque – which by the way, had his current address on it. And he was STILL turned away because he did not have a driver’s licence.

I mentioned the Delaration of Residency to him, in front of the officials at the station, and they STILL told him that he could not vote.

I am disgusted with this city. I am a new resident of Vancouver, having been here for 7 weeks. Vancouver is a physically beautiful place, with some of the ugliest personalities I have seen in my life.
Where does that elections officer get off by telling that man he could not vote? Who gave her the right to overlook Canadian law, and refuse that man his rights. To ignor his voice and vision. Is that not illegal?

When I left, the second time, I called the elections office, and told them what I had experienced, and they looked in to it, and even called me back to tell me what transpired after they looked in to it. But I went to vote late in the day, with 45 minutes left before 20:00. How many other non-drivers, or people who are a little down on their luck did they turn away at that station alone, never mind the rest of them.

I do not feel that the results are a clear, fair, and democratic survey of this city. How could it be, if only driving wealthy people were allowed to voice themselves?

I will not allow this to fall upon deaf ears. This needs to be looked at.

Craig Campbell

If this still happens do alert me. This is a good example of a well written letter on the matter.

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