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You Get No Choice: You deserve it in general.


If you didn’t sign a nomination paper, you do deserve every liar who voted in their pay raise and will again. A good lot of you fall in this, you may hate me for this, but yeah, I did do it, and it was a very unlikely person for me as well as a win. But damn it he is so independent he knew 200 bucks was a lot of money. He also couldn’t corner someone in a large party meeting or use partisan control. Just a friendly “out their” colorful mentality. I can dig it, I’ll be sickened by all those I don’t see on the ballot, because on top of this how many grill their candidates on open ‪“‎ballot access‬,” I do. I will be able to say I did it before it was cool. Someone once said the failure of democracy was the unequal access to ballots. Money, like any of the major assholes aren’t full of priv….even have to be willing to ignore family too and sleep at night. Imagine if ballot access allowed no one from your own party to sign the petition or only independents. No signups either. Imagine if they had to do it alone, all of them equally. It wouldn’t be required for anyone if they had to work as hard at it. The assholes holding on to their jobs pretending it’s “about the voter” yet not choice. But the independent and small party experience is great for creating potentially great bitter and cynical assholes for Major Party vetting. Voters you dropped the soap on this one before the ballot is printed, you made that ballot. You gave a shit, the only issue would be free and open #ballotaccess the most important “right to choose” issue.

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