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Challenging Nomination Rules: Constitutional Lawyer.


I want a world where I have no end to election choices, I want to vote for who I want to, who I want to often doesn’t make the ballot. I even want it to be a less pain of the ass to stick my neck out for all this. At least for individuals (Parties are organizations, so limiting their endorsements to support of most of 100 members in the Election District or region is just fine) it should a free for all who want to run, as long as they present a profile and platform with more than one item.
I am going to challenge these laws to the best I can afford, if the only thing I accomplish by my last breath is an open ballot for other generations, fine. But it will be open. Nearly 100 bucks to see a Constitutional Lawyer for the first time and crowd sourcing often limits requests of min. 300 and I don’t know what I will need after he looks into the issue and options. So if you can help with the 100 paypal, to golokb at golokzbuday.com or click the button to the side, if you would like to be part of the future complaints leave a note with contact info.
More I get the more I will put into the costs of this venture, hell even my time is worth something. Class action may help all those people who have to work hard for ballot access while a Tory, Liberal or NDPer can just run it through a party meeting. Have it handed to them. Who knows a class action can come from the violation your right to vote for who ever you want and your right to be qualified for office under the charter of rights and freedoms. This is to end the signatures, fees and auditor (presuming guilt) for individuals.

Freedom and liberty for all individuals!

Categories liberty, politics

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