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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Fee May Be Difficult Now.


Plenty of complications more due to a selfish idiot who didn’t fix our apartment he ruined (previous tenant). He prioritized skiing over fixing it and squatted in my apartment to fix up the neighbor condo he will be in, yeah great huh. Why “his place needed to be perfect.”
This really messed things around and ended up costing me more. Even with a kindly relative near by to let me crash. So my 250 becomes 50, now. Sadly I can’t yet offer receipts. But I’ll take what little I can if even a thanks for the activism that occurred as I did this. You can donate here
If 75 people give 3.33 bucks I have the 250. Course I don’t have the signatures or the accountant that don’t seem to care about free speech, except the ones who did sign thus far or joined as a Auditor. If you care about liberty in Vancouver-Hastings, or Ballot Access, Choices, where are you? You should be trying hard yourselves to make it happen.
The anti-Diability (I just had surgery, walk with a cane do to police brutality and was never under criminal charges in my life, Addison symptomatic without a party machine or member list.) anti-Freedom Election Act doesn’t help either. Not to mention money bleeding BC Elections Act.

The BC Libertarian Party is of no help being under a board deadlock to my understanding (non-unanimous opposition to being involved in Vancouver-Hastings). Fuck you John Clarke, Paul Geddes, and his other thugs and believers. Try not to let this bias you against other Libertarian Candidates or officials. It can get better.

When thinking about donating, help, et al…..Maybe you remember the Black Jester comedy act or
enjoy my triggering free speech activism in my Comedy Game Slave Master

Categories buday4hastings, elections

Your Two Cents

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