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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Ballot Access: You Can Take Control.


If my chaotic way of dealing with the forced intrusion by Elections BC enforcing the Election Act that might violate human rights code (regarding disability; ever drag a bad knee blocks and climb huge steps to a front door?), disability acts, and surely the Rights and Freedoms Act (Democratic in Voting and Right to Qualify for Elected Office).
Basically I can show up to doors at my timing and my lack of method and tact or you can make the first move and set up a time that is best for you before the writ drops (Apr 11).
Hell I don’t even need to see your house or apartment building.
Same with accountants.
As yourself, do you ever see a huge selection in Vancouver-Hastings usually? Or enough of one? Sure on a partisan level you may hold a bias, but how often are you so happy about who the parties put up?
You should have a way out if a debate or something inspires you. Why fear reason? Why even fear what is your guy now and maybe then having more competition to beat?

This isn’t about knowing someone, it’s about learning about someone, only ballot access can make that possible. If you care to follow the ballot choices.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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