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Nikki Sharma is a Radical, the Liberal never tries. I, Gölök Z Buday, am a reasoned voice for Justice and Liberty. Join my team, help me get on the ballot and win this riding, I try, I live and vote here in Vancouver-Hastings. Contact Info

In case you want to print and share: Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Ballot Choice, Ballot Access

Your Two Cents


To: vpd at vpd.ca
Subject: You took my knee out, gave me PTSD, daily pains every step, and my
liberty hangs by a string.
Cc: pss at vpd.ca,info at opcc.bc.ca

2001 Around this time, cops came in without a warrant (needed then), while I was
trying to make a private sector living. Used my aunt as a pretence to invade
my home in 217-2255 Pandora (at the time).
While I was confirming with the non-emergency number as to their right to be there,
the officers and their EMT people attacked me as MHTs watched.
I had no criminal record, so for what ever their reasons, they knew they couldn’t take
me to a court, especially afterward limping in agony.
Knee partly healed and degraded greatly year by year.
I never got an apology. A Private Psychiatrist, late Leonard Gribble, agreed to my sanity.
My anxiety and hyper vigilance came after. Walking is agonizing, step by step, worse each year.
Even worse, weather like recent, wet and cold.


If not bad enough in 2002, Saturday of Ash Wednessday, I a Confirmed Catholic, was attacked by cops,
yes running after seeing them out the door, why wouldn’t I? Holy Rosary was a legit refuge, well if I
were an illegal Alien I guess. I had a blunted Napalese demonslayer knife, a gift from my Mother.
Cnstbl Chalmers stole, well went missing. Found out later any knife they claim is visible or even
shows a clip or handle is legal.
No one in the press, City, or Police cared. Left or Right. No representative. Minister Hansen, the exception,
having cutting funding to Car 87 with
each complaint I made to his office. After each incident.
In 2002 they couldn’t take me to court, you see. I also showed mortal fear of going back, which made
them delighted to take me after
Dog piling ,me in the Church. Unusually fast response as well.


I try to get on the ballot, not often failed, and campaign. It’s a million times harder, it
hurts each step, it’s worse each time, and the bad weather doesn’t help. My Liberty,it
was totally lost or limited. Limited if I make the ballot, exhausting campaign
not many trying to help me. Even on a healthy knee it would be a tough, well
maybe because of psychology inflicted as a result of what you did.

I am asked why I never sued. It was a conflict of tax payers suffering more vs
my anger. I thought you’d at least be made to feel shame by the press.
You should shove that George Floyd stuff where the sun doesn’t shine, you don’t
care about these things. Never did.

Physical agony and a feeling of uselessness following it. This is what you’ve done.
For nearly 20 years.


Gölök Z Buday

In case you want to print and share: Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

Your Two Cents


It’s very important I get signatures, or nominators, fullnames/addresses on the petition so I can get on the ballot in Vancouver-Hastings where I live and vote. You can message, email, or phone the info without physical signature. If you know people here, pass the info to them. If you want me to come by and visit after I filed the papers add it. My voice mail is garbage, just try later. #bcpoli #bcelxn2020 #BCElection2020 #ballotchoice #ballotaccess Contact

In your message, or Oral Nomination (Ballot Access aid), you need to say the formal: “I nominate, Gölök Z Buday, in Vancouver-Hastings as a Candidate for Election as a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA). I declare myself a qualified voter for this Electoral District, and have not and will not, nominate another Individual In this election.

Crazy. I know. Pat yourself on the back no matter how you sign.

In turn you have a right to know I am a BC Libertarian (Affirmed by CA) and at 203-29 Templeton Dr.
You can set up a meeting at my building, but it’s important to get these nomination forms done ASAP.
If you want to collect signatures for me, please request my permission, seems that is the rule. I won’t say you didn’t have permission unlless you rubbed people the wrong way, go to aggressive, I’d never approve that. But a good sales pitch is “Help ballot choice in this election by helping your neighbor get on the ballot.” He votes here as well.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

Your Two Cents


Now that’s out of the way.

They are trying to keep me off the ballot. Send a message!

Email buday4vanhastings eastvanlibertarian.com if your MLA is Shane Simpson, to offer to help me get on the ballot. Your signatures, help with collecting them, and passing on the info, etc... (outside people can help) I thank all of you in the Vancouver-East campaign, but it's important people like us have a voice, have a vote we can sleep at night over. My Gmail is golok.buday libertarian.bc.ca

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

Your Two Cents


I am not bogged down by state hysterics about COVID, although not big on hugging and do wash my hands, so moderation of distancing is sane to me. I am Germaphobe who is more Statephobic than Germaphobic.
Anyhow, nominations or ballot access will be harder, I will try to put stuff aside to have the filing fee. As usual. I will also need all supporters and voters of me in the past to let me know them, or just ballot access supporters in the past to let me know of you, so I can praise you and also get my signatures. 75-100 Provincially.
Although if someone supports ballot access and would like to make a court issue, especially with COVID19, be my guess.
The Major Parties, and our incumbent have it easy, they are in a class of their own and do not want more competition, they blatantly oppose ballot access for anyone but themselves, as do their parties, I speak of the NDP, Liberals, and Greens who all could have changed things by now.
Federally: NDP, Liberals, Cons, PQ, and Greens. Anyway, lets make sure to show them, they can’t tell us that we can’t vote for anyone we want, they definitely want to tell me, a 21 year Vancouver-Hastings resident I can’t.
If your rational self interest says, “I have someone to vote for.” Your an Objectivist, congrats, and if you claim you don’t like Ayn Rand, you may rethink that idea. If you do, I am not totally on ball with Objectivism, but the closest you’ll get.

For Individual LIberty! Get your updates here. Also on Orbys.net, Gab.com, Minds as TheBlackJester, or Twitter on HaveABJ and if you look to the side you’ll see the FB Page.

Categories liberty, buday4hastings

Your Two Cents


Something common in Japan, is common in big tech, and Colleges, which may impart some crazy leftist insanity.
Campus living. Once even showcased on a mainstream media story, where Google showed off it’s campus HQ.
Even with regard to crunch, you will find testers and other people at places like EA, with bedding at their offices,
people have to live with their bosses, why would they disobey them? Even on personal matters.
Almost like cult compounds. In many ways.
My house, my rules, start applying. One change on the labor front, could be, banning, live-in business campus.
Use to be counter indicated to even have mixed classification zoning. You separated Commercial, Industrial, and Residential
at least in some theories.
Hive minds are likely built in these institutions, because they can’t simply not be there.
Course it seems weird they have the COVID excuse for anything that goes wrong, all the same.
Even without the campus situation, how many have homes paid for by their job, or cars, et al? Requiring less pay, of course.
How many people are bought into a Stepford life?

Categories Business, liberty

Your Two Cents


Is it right to close down, was it right, to, based on correlation to shut down the fiscal structure of our semi, sadly largely crony or disaster, Capitalist system?
Is this not like being Andrew Scheer or some other far right Politicians banning anal sex or anything the tie to the LGBT based on their views and collation of virus as their justification?
Did they open their door to the far right religious fanatics?
Like with stop and frisk, “well the stats say more of them are…..” is negating that individuals, most, or all are doing something, and there for rash action is justified.
Or self justified.
Correlation is not causation, just because it levels out and some people followed z’orders and quarantined or distanced themselves does not prove causation. There is no way to prove causation.
Lies, More Lies and Statistics, as Mark Twain quoted Disraeli.
Open the economy, end the shutdown or what ever you like to officially call it.

Categories liberty, freedom

Your Two Cents


With fascistic methods of “saving lives” set, if you expect to see a lot of arrests of the “detained” or being outside to be listed under Criminal Codes.
You check the Mental Health Act. To the state self justification it’s calling you a “Harm to yourself and others.”
You think Adrian Dix, Justin Trudeau/Tam of WHO, and Mayor Kennedy Stewart want an arrest record?
No they want you detained under the mental health act, and I am sure it’s happening all around the world where versions of Car 87 is out there.
Car 87, is the Police Psychiatric Arrest Patrol.
The best way to discredit and violate an individual’s rights.
Perfectly sane, or as sane as modern life allows, people locked in a psych ward over a simple gathering. Over a below 1% death and catch rate.

Categories Enforcement, Free Thinking

Your Two Cents


Fellow Free Speech activist and porn lady, Liz Vicious has been having a horrible time from 2019 to 2020, trying to sell what she did and does independently, not as part of website.

“doing my best to offer a great deal on my dropboxes you get access to ALL my Past work Photos & Videos and all the new work i did in 2019 AND all updates That I do for a ONE time FEE! Of 95.00 normally185.00 and Raven Riley’s Dropbox for 55.00”

Google Pay and Paypal have barred her, i’d say boycotting them is useless, unless your an investor who can boycott their stock, or move to change policy with it. The public system, has taken a lot away from the consumer, as far as voting with our wallets.

If this is of interest to her, she can be contacted by twitter DMs.

There is really no reason for this, credit card, and processing companies have been a bit prudish about things, and perhaps hostile to libertarian/classic liberal principles that defend them.
If they are really concerned about the obsessed or “addicted” (or weak) people called whales, or in porn’s sense, “Sperm Whales,” then they should be worried about Microtransactions and all of Google and Apple Store Products.
They should be at least capping the use on apps and porn sites from the user stand point, not bloody well banning expression, words, and any other thing that just takes responsibility to avoid.
Ever seen online dating services, a person can spend millions and just end up wasting times chatting and possibly scammed by fake ID schemes.
There is no need control behavior from the seller’s area.
Course their reasons are assumptions, Paypal’s comment was very flighty and evasive.

Categories Sexuality

Your Two Cents


Whining whimpering men when feminists openly spread hateful words, when the real hate, you don’t hear. “Oh making men feel like they are garbage,” the whimpering losers say, MRA style. Those of us, who stand alone, with Hypospadias, and not just fixed versions, we are Hypospadias Cripples, our first Doctor or two fucked up and no better Urologist could fix it. Then women come around and lie, cheat and cock tease, some may even just seem like women.
Perhaps a man or trans if your bi or gay.
This is a sexual abuse, it’s an nasty kind, that has no law attached, but it attacks certain men through their mind and ends at their source of their woes as it was.
That is the lowest of evil without shoving a broken bottle in a orifice or raping a kid.
One good grace is that idiots are as easily to do this assault as any Sociopath, unlike raping a kid. They might be able to change.
Don’t take a Hypospade for a simple idiot, pity fucks aren’t quite the answer, usually your dealing with voluntary celebates, who don’t want bullshit, or to have to explain their situation. They aren’t stupid enough, to not be hurt by that emotional attack of discouvering it was a “Pity Fuck.”
This tease in no way includes the open and understood engagement with a performance, like with regard to exotic dancing. You got huge problems if you take a openly stated “strip tease” as anything like that.

Categories Urology, Hypospadias


Well it effects young boys, and in cases like mine, due to botched pediatric surgeries in the first years, it makes us a Hypospadias Cripple. No it doesn’t make it smaller, well if I was less lucky I wouldn’t have a pecker, no matter, it doesn’t stop everyone from fertility.
It does not make me intersex or hermaphrodytic.
It does something really nasty, a scar tissue in the Urethra tightens and blocks proper passage of the urine if not dilated either by myself or the Doctor with a sound.
Sounding fetishists have no idea how insulting what they do is.
Transexuals are cold in understanding this, Men’s Rights Activists never bring it up, amazing.
Patriarchal, real patriarchal societies, or society of Bahrain has the best hospital for this alone, so if North America was a patriarchy, I’d be doing fine, as would many others.

Life affirming surgery would be one I could trust would cure my problem for ever, but even my most recent repair, just bought me a little more time before a cyscostopy was needed.
Becomes hard to see a future from that at 41, nearly 42.
I find myself increasingly impatient with people whining about some feminist ragging on men on twitter, like they so need that approval, like it’s the end of the world. Yeah she might be a bitch, but this victim crap “they are making men feel worthless” crap gets laid down way to thick on certain Youtube channels.
It’s really fucking lonely, thank god for my dog. My sense of humor. My code precludes me picking chicks up, or dudes, I see it as submissive, and I am the other. Even if I wasn’t there is a high chance, social shit becomes more awkward due to this.
There is no manual as to how to tell people, hell it could easily lead to oddly ableist metoo complaint.

Categories Urology, Hypospadias


People are told to stay at home, they are told to distance, they are bullied into shutting down businesses, so how is it heroic and brave when your the only ones allowed to work and take a pay check?
Only ones allowed to be open shop?
Well you are not, yeah be pissed at me, but I didn’t set it up that way, many could have poked a tail between the legs, but really, in Vancouver, and many other places, people were even threatened by the cops to shut down their institutions of capitalism.
People told to “Go home, and stay home,” sternly by the Prime Minister, who likely doesn’t even have the balls in his own home.
So if your the only one allowed to work, how are you brave, as “front liners?”
Sure your useful, but even there, your the only ones allowed to be useful now.


Your Two Cents


By clicking above, and even seeing that Gradient has me pegged as not only Gender Fluid, but really confused as to what I am. Maybe because of the duplicitous genetic nature of a Magyar. Taking massive amounts of MTDNA, from the mother (U4a), to disguise our alien nature to the neighboring culture.
But in full fact this may prove that, facial recognition software can’t prove shit, and in protecting due process rights, we must always be aware of this.
About as accurate as auDNA tests after 1 or 2 generations. If that.

As an added gag, my best friend in Grade School, as an adult, I had his picture.
He’s half Vietnamese, Mother’s side, I met her. He’s half.

Click above image for the array of images I used of myself. Earliest shot to latest downward.
I really should use the array for acting purposes.

I really have no idea how “Canadian” has any sort of static genetics, unless your talking some inbred old money jerk. Maybe it means old stock.

Categories liberty, freedom

Your Two Cents


While Mayor Stewart of Vancouver is more concerned about people getting a “safe supply,” while they still get unsafe supply anyway, yes narcotics. He has Gyms shut down.
Now like many social, job rituals, that many of us freelance and self employ do not have, nor people with private Gyms Equipment have. The regular folk out there are often fitness crazed, and if they give up that ritual, and even health eating rituals, they will be dead from this as well. They will lose health more rapidly, and not everyone is lucky to be a megamorph like myself either.
People get up, head to the gym, work out, go to work, etc…
Married with Children once had this situation (satire has many lessons) where a Mr Universe comes to the Bundy Household and Peg kills him by converting her to her lifestyle of Bon Bons and slacking. Crap they are use to, and have slowly adapted to. Not Mr. Universe, he was dead from it.
Sure enough, most of these cubicle jockeys and even some free lancers who have the ritual are not Mr. Universe, but they are use to it, and the moment they are asked to stop it, they are dead in the water. Granted it’s more about adapting, but that’s not the skill of Cubicles, Assembly Lines, and people who try to keep order in their life.
I speak as a person who thrives on chaos. Understanding those who do not. Government, that is chaos, it is out of control, so they only know chaos.
They can’t think of not having chaos. But imagine these Doctors, they might not be assembly line, but even they have health rituals, and promote them.
We are all in some way being pulled out of some sort of regular routine that railroads our health, not because of COVID19, but because cowardly power hungry politicians who want to control something, and people are easier to control than microbes.
May our politicians suffer more from this than any of you, but I am sure they see a private trainer and have that equipment at a big home.
If your already sick, stay home, it’s too late, call for help from professionals. But most are not.

Categories freedom, politics

Your Two Cents


You know what gives people labeled with a poorly defined mental illness, that just might as be a Social Network’s Community Standards, an lock up without trial?
Lack of “stigma,” well a cultural illusion of “zero stigma,” it will always be use to discredit and punish. Pre-emptively. More importantly it’s used to reject due process and pretend your not being “arrested” but “detained under the mental health act.” Sort the ironic “give them a reason to be paranoid,” method towards mental health.
They can basically use a “No Stigma” ad campaign as an excuse to presume your are guilty of possibly harming yourself or other, and only the latter really matters and should not be presumed by any official, even without a criminal charges.


Your Two Cents


If you live in a place, that at least separates legal from lawmaking branches, you may understand the idea. Lawyers writing laws?
Are you worried about Corporations and the rich? Really? Your not worrying about lawyers writing laws to benefit themselves?
Even tax law, may include a accountant lobby (progressive taxes), but there are lawyers involved as well, if you want to work a bankrupsy into a scheme where you never pay taxes.
Even if they don’t practice, they are or were on the bar, their buddies benefit as well, their class mates from college.
Lawyers are as dangerous as letting civil servants (exec branch) near the law making process, and no less dangerous than a corporation.
Oh guess what you know what unions and corporations and even fucking celebrities have that you don’t? Armies of Lawyers, you know what else, an in with the the fucking lawyers who write their self serving law practice welfare, called laws.

Categories philotician, liberty

Your Two Cents


The Martians or Martian is an ethnic slur that could easily have simply been Nigger to a lab or a Government weapon’s lab. As a famous prank in SETI to Dr Fermi by Dr. Leó Szilárd would suggest, and the known nickname uttered by the US Government. Also by Dr Phillip Morrison who sort of negated that Magyars or Hungarian Natives were Aliens, but gave many reasons why he thought they’d be or be thought of this. Adolph Hitler himself had a view we polluted many a “pure Aryan” identity among Germans who moved to Hungary.
Why is it a slur, such as the cotton field term of Nigger? Well in the area of military murder machines built, and other inventive tools benefiting the military complex, Magyars were slaves. Escaping unpleasant regimes invading their homeland they end up practically living in military or more likely espionage labs and quarters merely distracted by the resources the US can spend on lavish tools.
The seduction of being able to have your projects done, however this distraction came with a highly limited secret life, even to the point where when sick and dying where left in guarded rooms where they were called “The Martian,” not allowed to speak to anyone at risk of exposing secrets. Ever wondered why there may be references to spotting Aliens on earth, by the Government, well you may have an idea now.
They will systematically and frequently use our people, largely if willing, and what happens to those not yet fielded or asked are made “Target Individuals” (T.I.s). My contention is, they believed their own bullshit, or wanted to, as a way to dehumanize people and not feel at the bottom of their species’ races, because if not an Alien, we are no of any other race. In a more racist era, especially, thinking us Human, would warp their sense of superiority.
I do not think the practice is done, I would urge all Magyars to reject any and all state science and weapons development, you’ll never get your worth out of them. I would consider that their intelligence agents will be watching and trying to derail your career plans outside of any scientific field, if they feel you are to work for them.
If you rejected western Schooling, it’s still likely, because it’s hardly going to be worth it to an “advanced mind,” just very boring, I don’t know our drop out rates, but I imagine it’s rather high.
The war machine is never ending, and the dehumanization is believed, so it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, there isn’t even a DNA service that will prove it for you, yeah, lineage, but their concept is we have mating compatibility, it happened, so I doubt they’d play the narrative that way.
Other benefits to such a myth are pushing moronic ideas like Space Force, which in a sense would be way to late, but that would still be a “national security” issue they’d justify their shit with, at least in secret. Any exploration. Echelon, “got to keep an eye on those Magyars.”
You see I never knew a Magyar with an “easy to break” mentality, possibly because our mentality is so unusual to most civilized bipeds. So torture is a wasted venture, stories of the Turks burning to death a quiet St Istvan isn’t exactly keeping people at ease over that.
Some Magyars want to believe we can pass as white, but that gag only works till they get close enough and really know what we are. Not real aliens, but certainly to the West, maybe everywhere.
Echelon by now have more portable versions, and even methods of stealing inventive and creative ideas, as well as thoughts from people. R.A.T.S pulse beaming even. On the upside the odd nature of thinking, and Magyar thinking even, is some may go mad trying to unravel things, and even if they do the idea may not be to full completion, they’d have to fill in blanks, and end up doing it wrong enough to fail, that’s me thinking positively.
Wouldn’t it be funny, though, that they discovered Magyars, like this, because the real thing in Roswell, was an experimental jet made in Hungary that only went so far, not from space.
Maybe we tried to retaliate for Trianon.
Other ideas, on my mind, off topic, is the possibility, that Magyars have an oddly recessive dominant YDNA that jumps the maternal generation, untested (outside of Government), I think of this, because I wonder did the Government test a lot of us? Did they hide the results saying Human or Non-Confroming? Largely this would be noticed in this Primate-Similar part no one pays attention to and just assumes all bipeds are pure ape men in that part of the DNA.
Science is very good at hitting assumptions based on traditionalism. Which is a very funny thing, when you think about it.
Hey, if you believe we are alien in some way. We are still intelligent bideds with thumbs, so we still qualify enough for Natural Rights. We can also fuck your sister and give her kids.

Categories freedom, Free Thinking

Your Two Cents

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Domains: GolokZBuday.com Pornstitution.com Goliberty.org BCIndividualist.org ChronicErudite.com Being-Ones-Self.org Being-Ones-Self.com Being-One-Self.com GolokBuday.com Philotician.net TheVoltairian.com WorkSmartParty.org Rhinotarian.com
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